Feeling stuck? Here’s What You Can Do About it…

Ahhh…the sweet smell of spring break.

For educators and students around the nation, spring break week is a monumental occasion. It’s one that we’ve been looking forward to since December. “When’s our next break?” is seriously like a mantra around campus.

This past week, I was allowed to stay as far away as possible from the place that I have to be the majority of the time. No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to explain to just how happy this makes me. But what is it that I’m really looking forward to? Why am I so unbelievably, ridiculously, incredibly (should I keep going?) happy about these breaks?  

If I told you that I had absolutely no plans for spring break, it would be an understatement, to say the least. I wasn’t planning to go anywhere special or to do anything necessarily out of the norm (I really need to do better). But yet and still, my level of excitement is always on a level 10 when I don’t have to go work. I’m like a little kid at Disneyland without a care in the world. Why? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that something about my day-to-day life is off (ya’ think?). The fact that I’m living for weekends and time off is a huge indication that something needs to change…quickly.

Being away from my job allows me to feel free. Even though it’s for a very brief period, I feel “unstuck” from redundancy and so much more like my true self. To be clear, there are multiple things that attribute to the feeling of being stuck. Being away from work, however, eases a great deal of the frustration that comes along with it and makes the feeling much less apparent (almost nonexistent). Usually, the feeling of being stuck stares at me in the face and completely disrespects my sense of happiness. It drains me (let me live…).

For many people, these feelings are not at all uncommon. Oftentimes, it creeps up on us and puts us into a funk that’s extremely difficult to explain. It comes in many different forms and affects all of us differently. But instead of dwelling on the negativity associated with that feeling, it’s time to do something about it.

Here’s 6 things you can focus on when you start having those oh-so-unwelcome feelings of being stuck.

  1. Recognize Your Feelings. Attempting to ignore the fact that you feel stuck is a train wreck waiting to happen. The only way to fix a problem is to address it head on. Additionally, if you don’t acknowledge the problem, you certainly won’t gain anything from it. Let’s not waste what could be an amazing period of growth in our lives. Is admitting that you feel stuck difficult? Yes. Will ignoring the truth make you feel any better? Of course not. We have to get to a point of realization sooner or later.
  2. Accept the feeling but don’t succumb to it. Feeling stuck, in and of itself, is beyond frustrating. It makes us question all of our decisions and dread where we’ve ended up. While this is true, it’s also a feeling that can bring about some amazing changes in our lives. A change for you (and me!) is on the horizon partly because we’re in this hard to bear head space. Use that energy for good and keep it pushing.
  3. Remember That Things Are Happening Even When it Doesn’t Feel Like It. This one right here is me preaching to myself. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Sometimes we focus on all that we’ve done and all that hasn’t happened. If that’s your thought process, you’ll never be happy. Your job is to remain consistent even when you don’t want to. Eventually, that consistency will lead to much more than those oh-so-familiar unseen victories.
  4. Reflect (then Reflect Again) on Your Growth. Though you (we!) are not where you want to be, you’re certainly in a better position than you once were. When I think about where I was 5 to 7 years ago, I can’t help but to celebrate where I am now. You can’t forget to reflect on your progress. You (yes you!) have grown tremendously. Do you still have work to do? Of course, but let’s not ignore all that you’ve already done.
  5. Stop Resisting. You are meant to do great things. If this wasn’t true, you wouldn’t have these feelings of being stuck. So instead of ignoring your potential, recognize that you’ve still got work to do. The thought of this may sound exhausting, but the payoff will be indescribable.
  6. Regroup and Refocus. Feeling stuck is something that overcomes the best of us. We can be great one minute then are completely dissatisfied the next. While it’s important to recognize what’s happening, it’s also important to keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. The longer you suppress them, the longer you’ll feel like you’re stuck on a path to nowhere.

Why do you think some of us are overcome with this draining feeling of being “stuck”? Do you have any advice for me (or people like me) that may struggle with accepting this feeling?  Help me out… =)


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