3 Basic Tips to Take Control of Your Future

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

So, here I am in the thick of looking for another job. In the world of education, this right here is called “interview season”. It’s the time of year when the school year is winding down and all of us disgruntled educators hit the ground running looking for a new opportunity. Continue reading “3 Basic Tips to Take Control of Your Future”

Feeling stuck? Here’s What You Can Do About it…

Ahhh…the sweet smell of spring break.

For educators and students around the nation, spring break week is a monumental occasion. It’s one that we’ve been looking forward to since December. “When’s our next break?” is seriously like a mantra around campus.

This past week, I was allowed to stay as far away as possible from the place that I have to be the majority of the time. No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to explain to just how happy this makes me. But what is it that I’m really looking forward to? Why am I so unbelievably, ridiculously, incredibly (should I keep going?) happy about these breaks?   Continue reading “Feeling stuck? Here’s What You Can Do About it…”

4 Facts About Financial Literacy

I really need to do better with my money!

I cannot begin to tell you how many times I’ve said this. It’s actually pretty funny because everyone who knows me would tell you adamantly that I’m great with money. I never pay a bill late, I never like pulling anything out of my savings account (but that doesn’t mean I won’t) and I try to be “adult-like” with my spending. From society’s perspective, I make decent money (whatever that means) and I do a great job at living within my means. But for whatever reason, I have repeatedly (more like all the time) found myself waiting intently on my next paycheck. Yes, my bills would be paid. But I kept forgetting about the most important one: me. Continue reading “4 Facts About Financial Literacy”

How to Win With Appreciation (Or have You Already Reached Your Ceiling?)

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough”

Oprah Winfrey

That quote is intense, right? When I first read this, I immediately began thinking about my own experiences and related it to my personal life. Am I really one of those people who constantly focuses on what I don’t have? Is this why I always feel like I still don’t have enough (ugh)?

The Downfall of Wishful Thinking

Continue reading “How to Win With Appreciation (Or have You Already Reached Your Ceiling?)”

What No One Tells You About Jealousy and Inspiration

Oh, my goodness! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

This is what your mouth says. But is this how you really feel?

It can be extremely difficult to see someone excel in life when we personally feel like we’re stuck on a path to nowhere. While we’re singing the same old tune on this dead end road, we see other people accomplishing great things and something overcomes us. It’s a physical reaction that you can literally feel in the pit of your stomach. Your chest is overcome with a feeling that’s hard to describe. It’s a heaviness of some sort. Or maybe it’s emptiness. This feeling is intensified depending upon just how unhappy or dissatisfied you are with your personal circumstances. It’s not at all a good look.

Continue reading “What No One Tells You About Jealousy and Inspiration”

So,  Failure Is an Option?


I feel like such a failure.

Unfortunately, I have uttered those words to myself more times than I can count. I have spent countless nights wondering how and why. I have spent many hours at my work desk with a feeling of sadness and frustration. Like many people, I have attended many meetings in which my only focus was breaking away from the chains of a job that was simply not fulfilling my purpose.

Continue reading “So,  Failure Is an Option?”

So You Thought You Had it Figured Out, Huh? Accomplishments vs. Success



This is an untold truth that I’ve only recently realized.

You mean these college degrees and steadfast work ethic don’t equal success?! You mean to tell me that I did all of this to end up here? Wait, but what happened? I don’t understand.

Somebody Clearly Lied to Me… 

I have always (and I mean always) been extremely determined to be successful. I didn’t necessarily know what that meant, but I knew I was going have it. So, I worked like crazy and set many goals for myself. I figured out a game plan (which pretty much consisted of: go to school, get good grades, get a degree, work hard, then lead a life of success). Though I hadn’t really witnessed what I would consider to be a success story, I somehow thought I knew the blueprint towards accomplishing it (makes perfect sense, right?).

Continue reading “So You Thought You Had it Figured Out, Huh? Accomplishments vs. Success”