What No One Tells You About Jealousy and Inspiration

Oh, my goodness! Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

This is what your mouth says. But is this how you really feel?

It can be extremely difficult to see someone excel in life when we personally feel like we’re stuck on a path to nowhere. While we’re singing the same old tune on this dead end road, we see other people accomplishing great things and something overcomes us. It’s a physical reaction that you can literally feel in the pit of your stomach. Your chest is overcome with a feeling that’s hard to describe. It’s a heaviness of some sort. Or maybe it’s emptiness. This feeling is intensified depending upon just how unhappy or dissatisfied you are with your personal circumstances. It’s not at all a good look.

You want to be happy, you really do. You’re not a hater. You want to see people excel and reach the heights that they’ve set for themselves. You love celebrating others and cheering people on. It’s what you do. We’re all in this together. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed. But you still find yourself saying…

Why can’t that be me? When will it be my time?

It’s completely acceptable (admirable even) to use someone else’s accomplishments as fuel. Getting inspiration from those you respect is awesome! It ignites something powerful within us and pushes us closer to the self we want to be. When I see someone accomplish something that I want for myself, I admittedly use that as inspiration.

I can do that too! Don’t believe me? Just watch…

I then commit myself to reaching those heights and accomplishing whatever goal comes to mind. It’s almost like I’m competing with successful people and they don’t even know it. This way of approaching challenges has been something I’ve done for years. I’ve never liked losing…ever (I need to work on that). I’m. Going. To. Win. How ridiculous is this approach? The drive is nice but the fuel needs some work…a lot of it.

While this is definitely a double edge sword, I think this form of competition is healthy in a sense because it pushes me to heights that I probably would not have reached otherwise. It’s exciting. A new challenge. Being complacent is boring and an indication that I’ve already reached my ceiling. Have I gone as far as I’m going to go? Have you? Absolutely not, which is why it can be hard to watch other people excel.

Perhaps reluctantly, we have to consider the idea of jealousy. Am I simply using other people’s experiences as inspiration, or am I green with envy? Is this pit in my stomach normal? Do I need to accept the fact that I’m jealous of the person over there winning a competition that I’ve made up in my mind? How do I decipher between the two?

It starts with understanding the following:

  1. There’s enough out there for all of us. No one’s going to come along and take away all of the success that should have been yours. If necessary, use other people as motivation. What’s meant for you is for you. You just have to do your part and go get it. No need for jealousy. Though waiting can be tortuous, remain determined to be the best YOU and continue rooting for others to be the best THEM.
  2. Plan, plan, plan! What do you want? I mean, what do you really want? You can’t simply say “I want more.” What does that mean? Be specific. Once you know what you want, you can efficiently take steps towards making that happen. Without this, you’ll be all over the place. You’ll see one successful person after another and attempt to recreate their  path. This will cause you to pull from too many hats. Figure out what you want, make a plan, and stick to it. Once you do this, you won’t be thrown off track when others excel. Rather, you’ll be genuinely happy and understanding of the fact that your time is coming.
  3. Create your own blueprint. So often, we see someone else succeed and want to recreate what they’ve done. They’re path is theirs, yours is yours. Of course you can get ideas and inspiration from others, but remember it’s just that…inspiration. Trying to do what someone else did step-by-step is a fail waiting to happen. Be you!
  4. Keep going! You (whether you like to admit it or not) are an inspiration to someone else. When you find yourself saying, “When will it be my turn?” think about all of the things you’ve already accomplished. Where you are now was likely a goal of yours sometime ago. Don’t become complacent but don’t ignore your successes.
  5. Trust What’s Next. Yep, just that simple. There’s something next for you. Don’t doubt it and don’t deny it. Be patient, be diligent, and be ready!

Have you ever found yourself trying to fight off the feeling of jealousy? Have you created your own blueprint? What steps are you ready to take today, tomorrow, and the next day for YOU? Inquiring minds want to know… =)


9 Replies to “What No One Tells You About Jealousy and Inspiration”

  1. Another great post! You spoke on a subject that many of us are afraid to talk about. I definitely use others success as inspiration to accomplish my own goals/dreams. I personally become excited when I see a friend or family member achieve something because it lets me know that I can do it as well. I realize that I can obtain more and I become faithful in knowing that my time is coming. Thanks for the post. I’m ready for the next one!

    1. Thank you, Nica!

      It’s great to use other people as inspiration. I do it all the time! We just have to make sure we’re doing what’s best for US and not simply trying to mirror THEM. I think it’s easy for us to desire success so much that when we see someone else get a taste of it (or a smorgasbord), we lose focus on what it is we really want. We start pulling from too many hats and look for this thing called success in some of the most random places (which usually have nothing to do with our personal goals). Of course this is lessened when we KNOW full well what we want.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post… =)

  2. Great post again baby myself and Barry are really proud of you. (TRULY) waiting on the next post. We will always be there to support you. LOVE ALWAYS YOUR IN LAWS

  3. This is just what I needed as I sit here at my desk wondering WTF is going on and where T. heck is my path:-) Love this talk – makes me feel in control and that I’m not the only one with these q’s past 20! lol

    1. LoL…you’re definitely not the only one with these thoughts beyond your 20’s! I think that’s the beauty in these conversations. For some reason, many of these topics are taboo and very hush, hush beyond a certain age. I think this is primarily because we think our circumstances are so unique that others simply won’t understand what we’re going through (insert eye rolling emoji here). I finally realized that the thoughts and feelings that I’ve been having are way more common than I thought. Hopefully these posts shed a light on some of the things that I (and many others) have been hesitant to talk about in the past (or perhaps they didn’t quite have the words…until now).

      You ARE in control. Trust and believe that I’m well aware that it doesn’t seem like it (Don’t I know it!), but you are…we all are. We (me included) just have to stop forgetting that to be true.

      I’m thrilled you enjoyed the post!

      Remember, you got this… =)

  4. I love this!!!! I always tell myself to be patient and that my time will come. I always hear these questions in the back of my mind. It’s one of the reasons that I keep pushing for more. I know the time is coming! I can feel it! I’m hanging in there!!! This is more motivation for me to get doing what I’m doing. GREAT WORK!!

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